TELENERG-INŽENJERING d.o.o. is a company specialized in electrical power engineering for electrical utilities and industry and is operating in the field of design, supervision, construction, testing and commissioning of complete power plants of low, middle and high voltage, as well as comprehensive power solutions for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity
The buyer, Končar – Inženjering d.o.o., is a company specialized in business activities of engineering in construction and reconstruction of complex facilities and plants on a "turnkey" basis in the fields of energy, railway infrastructure, automation and control. The main business areas of the KONČAR Group are the production of equipment and plants for the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, as well as equipment for use in the field of transport and industry. Annual sales are about 500 million euros, half of which is exported. Over the years KONČAR products are exported in more than 100 countries on all continents.
Size of the transaction: Not disclosed
Date of announcement: 29 December 2022
Status: Closed
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