I‘m experienced in the following Industry Sectors:
Chris Xie
I have more than 20 years’ corporate finance and strategy consulting experience and 8 years’ industry experience working for MNCs. I am native Chinese, gaining my MBA in the US and have worked overseas in the US and Singapore for more than 10 years. I have broad experience in strategy consulting, corporate finance advisory and value-based management. I have advised on strategy and transactions in a wide range of industries, including fast moving consumer products, industrial products, energy, real estate, and private equity. I have also worked with government agencies in China in economic development planning and investment promotion.
I previously worked for A.T. Kearney, OC&C Strategy, Stern Stewart & Company, and Coco-Cola Company. Clients I have worked with include global Fortune 500 companies as well as leading companies in Asia. I obtained my MBA from Darden Business School, University of Virginia. In my free time I like running and reading. I am bilingual in Chinese and English.

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