I‘m experienced in the following Industry Sectors:
James Chen
MBA (1997) & Bachelor of Science (1994), Tsinghua University, Member of the AIA, Certified Public Valuer (CPV), specialized in the business valuation and pricing. Over 20 years of investment banking practice with 10+ years of experiences in cross-border M&A business committed to both the strategic/financial advisory services and the buy-out funds/assets management:
Conducted the strategic investment in China for the European manufacturing/retail groups; Acted as the advisor for the Indian industrial giant’s special projects in China; Supported the Chinese energy/heavy machinery/textile companies in their outbound M&A; Assisted with the M&A activities among the peers of Chinese home appliances retailers; Participated in the private equity business of a large international Investment Bank ; Initiated the concept design and placement of a cross-border/bilateral Buy-Out fund; Took charge of billions of RMB dominated Assets Management; Served as the Financial/ Funds Management President for large corporation groups.
Amongst his over 20 years of Investment Banking experiences, Mr. CHEN has been committed to the cross-border M&A practices for 10+ years, taking the responsibility in both the strategic/financial advisory services and the related buy-out funds/assets management, with an industrial orientation on the advanced manufacturing, resources/energy & environmental protection, as well as the consumption upgrading & retail.
Mr. Chen has conducted the strategic investments of the European manufacturing/retail groups in China, acted as the advisor for TATA Group’s special projects in China, supported the M&A events among the peers of the Chinese home appliances retailers, assisted with the Chinese companies in the IPO in HK equity capital market, and facilitated the outbound M&A of the Chinese enterprises especially towards the European market; took charge of the portfolio investment of the medium-scale RMB dominated assets, involved in the private equity investment of the Goldman Sachs ASSG sector, initiated the concept design for China-Germany bilateral investment fund, and led the private placement & operations for several buy-out funds investing worldwide respectively in the advanced manufacturing and renewable energy sector.
Whilst his career development, Mr. Chen anchored solid global business network with professional partners focusing on the mid-market, and established close relationship with the governmental agencies & regulators, commercial banks, private equity/mutual funds, investment banks as well as the professional intermediaries such as the law and accounting firms.
In addition to his systematic & structured intellectual strengths and communication skills, Mr. Chen also demonstrates impressive characteristics in terms of the leadership, self-discipline & perseverance, initiative & creative spirit, which renders himself an excellent practitioner for dealing with the dynamic environment and opportunities in the investment banking business.
Mr. Chen has been admitted as an Associate Member of the Association of International Accountants (AAIA) and the China Certified Public Valuer (CPV), specialized in the business valuation and pricing, which provides a substantial expertise of the investment banking, especially for the M&A/Investment business; his overall strategy of the M&A/Investment consists of the engineering of “Intrinsic value exploration and synergy creation”.
Meanwhile, Mr. Chen extends his professional interests into the Training area
by giving lectures on the topic of “Outbound M&A and Risk Prevention” to the senior leaders of SOEs in the SASAC training center/Central Party School, delivering speeches in the annually held Beijing International M&A Forum, supporting the Senior Executives Education Program of the Tsinghua University, instructing the deal-makers certificate training courses invited by the China M&A Association, as well as being appointed as the Mentor for Schwarzman Scholars, Tsinghua University.
In personal life, He stands for an attitude of “focus & balance”, enjoys both the Ancient Chinese Hexa-Arts and the Modern Pentathlon. He is the member of the Tsinghua alumni dancing troupe; has been persisting to the morning swimming since 1998. Meanwhile, Mr. James Chen is enthusiastic in the social activities; he was the chairman of the Faculty Student Union and the public relations Minster of the Graduate Student Union at Tsinghua University and was the honorary president of a regional commercial association.
Appendix: Professional Experiences
May 2013 — Nowadays
Company: CH.EN Capital Management Ltd.
Position: Managing Partner
1) Financial advisory services for overseas investment
and cross-border M&A
2) Buy-Out funds initiation & management
3) Financial strategy formulation & implementation; platform establishment & administration
4) Concurrent post: President,
TUNGHSU Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (- April 2017)
5) Concurrent post: Vice President, China VAST Group
January 2007 – April 2013
Company: SEIM Ltd. (China member of the M&A International Inc. /MAI)
Position: Managing Director/ Chief Representative Beijing Office
1) Cross-border M&A advisory services: Direct the
entire engagement cycle of deal origination, execution, and delivery to clients
2) Promote the Best Practices with the global members of MAI 3) Establish and maintain the relationship with strategic partners and clients
4) Manage and motivate the operational team;
and other administrative responsibilities
March 2004 – December 2006
Company: Kingsway Financial Group (a HK based Investment Bank)
Position: Managing Director, Shanghai Office
1) Exploring potential HK IPO candidates
2) International private placement and M&A
3) Office administration
June 2001 – February 2004
Company: Financial Company of CASIC (China Aero Science & Industry Corporation)
Position: General Manager, Investment Management Department
1) Proprietary investment and assets management
2) Planning and execution on the capital strategy of the CASIC
September 1995 – May 2001
Company: Beijing Securities Company of CADTIC (China Agricultural Development & Trust Investment Corporation)
Position: Deputy Director of the Investment Banking Department and Director of the Investment Research Department
1) Financial advisory services (international strategic investment) 2) Research for securities investment

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